Lazy data structures are a powerful abstraction can increase the readability of your program while encouraging separation of concerns.
What are they? Simply put, they are data structures that “realize” what they contain when they're needed (or right before they're needed).
What can you do with lazy data structures? How about a page-scraper that paginates as needed:
# pseudocode
seed_url = ""
# generate a lazy list of urls:
# -
# -
# - etc.
urls = lazy {
for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
yield seed_url + string(i)
# a lazy list of html pages
pages = map(urls, fetchURLPageContents)
# a lazy list of list of links
links_per_page = map(pages, extractLinksFromHTML)
# flatten to just a lazy list of links
links = join(links_per_page)
# do stuff with links
for link in links {
This creates a powerful abstract that separate tasks your program needs to get done behind an implicit interface. The ending for loop doesn't need to know that those links came from multiple page fetches or the file system. If the loop short-circuited, then it minimizes the number of unnecessary fetches.
As a fun experiment, I recently built Clojure's sequence abstraction in Objective-C. Clojure's Sequences are based on LISP's famous linked list, converted to an interface that provides uniform api for a wide range of data structures in Clojure. It's simple:
@protocol Sequence <NSObject>
- (id)firstObject; // clojure: (first seq); nil indicates end
- (id<Sequence>)remainingSequence; // clojure: (rest seq)
A variety of data structures can fit this interface at the potential sacrifice of performance of the underlying data structure:
- Linked Lists
- Arrays (remainingSequence would just drop the first element)
- Dictionary (each element is the key-value pair – which can also be represented as a sequence)
- Trees (firstObject is the root, remainingSequence can be children)
More interestingly, a lazy sequence can also be built from this interface. Lazy data structures only realize their contents as needed. They aren't as complicated to implement as it sounds. Here's a näive implementation based on the Clojure's Java implementation:
// LazySequence.h
@interface LazySequence : NSObject <Sequence>
// clojure equivalent to (lazy-seq (block))
- (instancetype)initWithBlock:(id<Sequence>(^)())block;
// LazySequence.m
@interface LazySequence ()
@property (nonatomic, copy) id<Sequence>(^block)();
@property (nonatomic) id blockValue;
@property (nonatomic) id<Sequence> sequenceValue;
@implementation LazySequence
- (instancetype)initWithBlock:(id<Sequence>(^)())block {
if (self = [super init]) {
self.block = block;
return self;
- (id)firstObject {
return [[self evaluateSequence] firstObject];
- (id<Sequence>)remainingSequence {
return [[self evaluateSequence] remainingSequence];
#pragma mark - Private
- (id)evaluateBlock {
@synchronized (self) {
if (self.block) {
self.blockValue = self.block();
self.block = nil;
return self.blockValue;
- (id<Sequence>)evaluateSequence {
[self evaluateBlock];
@synchronize (self) {
if (self.blockValue) {
id value = self.blockValue;
self.blockValue = nil;
while ([self.block isKindOfClass:[LazySequence class]]) {
value = [value evaluateBlock];
self.sequenceValue = value;
return self.sequenceValue;
While it might not be a typical first attempt at a lazy sequence, but it does have some interesting characteristics:
- There is locking to support access on multiple threads
- It is readonly/immutable (assuming you don't do any runtime magic)
- It stores an intermediate value - the sequence returned directly from the block and the “final” sequence after flattening any potentially recursive
. - There is an
check, ew.
But lazy, higher-ordered functions (map
, filter
, reduce
, etc.) can
be implemented from this:
id<Sequence> filterSequence(id<Sequence> seq, BOOL(^filter)(id value)) {
if (![seq firstObject]) {
return [ConcreteSequence emptySequence];
return [[LazySequence alloc] initWithBlock:^id(id obj){
if (filter(obj)) {
return [[ConcreteSequence alloc] initWithFirstObject:obj
remainingSequence:filterSequence([self remainingSequence], filter)];
} else {
return filterSequence([self remainingSequence]);
The Sequence abstraction lends itself to allow easy lazy evaluation, but other interface designs can be created to support more complex data structures while maintaining better performance than Sequence: such as a lazy dictionary that doesn't require walking key-value pairs and instead only lazily realizes values).
There are tradeoffs for a relatively elegant design. You lose potential performance gains for using the abstaction – like random access on your data structure's elements. Also, laziness makes standard debugging techniques difficult. Stacktraces are less comprehensible because the execution order no longer reads procedurally. This is a common complaint of Haskell, where computation is lazily evaluated.