It's no secret that I've been interested in testing. Most of the work I've done are around example-based testing. While useful, it's interesting to look at other communities for inspiration. I'm specifically fascinated in the functional programming community. Generative testing in particular. It was popularized in the early 2000s by a famous implementation in Haskell, QuickCheck.
In short, generative testing is allows you specify properties your software should have. Then the testing library generates test cases. It's an alternative path the functional community has taken when it comes to testing. This becomes evident since testing functional code becomes mostly boilerplate management:
;; Clojure Test
(are [x y] (= x y)
(add5 5) 10
(add5 2) 7
(add5 -5) 0)
;; Alternative (drier) representation
(are [x y] (= (add5 x) y)
5 10
2 7
-5 0)
This clojure example shows how functional communities try to remove the boilerplate common in traditional unit testing libraries. There are no test method names, assertions separated from the action. It's not behavior driven development, but they share the goal of improving software quality. Notice how the test data is usually front and foremost in functional programming.
Generative tests are the next iteration. They are abstraction representations of tests like the one above:
;; clojure.test.check
(prop/for-all [x gen/int]
(= (add5 x) (+ 5 x)))
This reads:
For all integers x, add5 of x should equal x added by 5.
In fact, it reads a lot like a proof statement. And in a simplified form, the generative testing library tries to generate the smallest counter example.
However, this isn't a good property test. It completely duplicates the possible implementation. Instead, it might be better to write other properties that result from the implementation:
(prop/for-all [x gen/int]
(= (- (add5 x) x) 5))
This reads:
For all integers x, subtracting x from the add5 of x should always equal 5.
It (arguably) prevents us from rewriting the implementation. Instead, it tries to state some known truth of the code we're testing. This style of thinking is definitely not natural to a example-based testers (for me at least). The 3 most common ways of writing property-based tests are:
- Describe an inverse relationship using multiple functions. A good example
of this is encoding and decoding. A property test of JSON encoding can be
decode(encode(value)) == value
. - Describe a relationship of the inputs to its outputs. The concatentation
of two arrays preserves sizes:
len(a) + len(b) == len(a + b)
. - Use an existing implementation. Use an array to test a circular buffer implementation. Or use an existing base64 encoder to test your new faster version.
Generative tests shine for exploratory testing where edge cases tend to surface bugs. But it's not a complete replacement to a traditional test suite. An example-based test suite can reliably reproduce significant cases: a known happy-path or a previously discovered bug. Both suites compliment each other well.
Instead of focusing on ease of writing and maintaining tests, generative testing focuses on discovering new bugs.
An implementation of QuickCheck is also particularly fasinating. It's a great example of a well-designed functional program. If you're interested in an implementation for Objective-C and Swift, check out Fox.